3 Way Bed - Lynx Tiger
3 Way Bed - Lynx Tiger



3 Way Bed - Lynx Tiger


Your cat or dog will absolutely relish this plush bed!

PetHangout is pleased to offer a 3 Way Bed in Lynx Tiger print from our Premium Bedding Collection.      This bed is amazing for its luxurious faux fur and versatility.   You can stretch out flat, cup up, or fold like a sleeping bag for your pet.    We are positive your pet will go bonkers over this ultra comfortable bedding!

Questions about bed?   Send us a message or call: 877.860.1278

Why we love:

  • Color:  Lynx tiger print
  • Configurations:
    • ​Cup - 15" diameter 
    • Sleep bag - 24" long 
    • Flat mat - 24" x 44"
  • Can be used for so many things:  in the car or crate, as bedding, blankets, or throws

PetHangout has more faux fur beds like a jaguar tiger mat and a clouded leopard mat.

Curious?   Email us at contactus@pethangout.com or call - 877.860.1278      We want to help!


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3 Way Bed - Lynx Tiger

  • $57.97

Tags: cat bed, cat beds, dog bed, dog beds, pet bed, pet beds, luxurious cat bed, luxurious dog bed, luxurious pet bed