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Very good subjects.
Does your kitty cat throw up a lot?
Better yet, have you ever stepped out of bed in the middle of the night only to have a cold, wet squishy lump squeeze in between your toes??
I know, right!!! so yucky and not what you wanted!!
It’s not uncommon at all for cats to throw up their food or hairballs. It is actually their body expelling something that doesn’t belong in their stomach in the first place.
If you are worried or just sick and tired of cleaning up these wonderful and messy surprises that your cat leaves all over the house, then read on…
Pet Hangout has some common reasons and some solutions for you today! Yay!!!
You’ll need to think through some of the possible reasons and narrow down what may be going on with your cat.
Although it’s true that you can’t stop your cat from washing and ingesting a lot of hair, there still may be hope for you and your kitty’s tummy.
1 - HairBalls, hairballs, hairballs!
Well, yes we all know that cats throw up hairballs. Your cat loves to stay clean and part of that is to lick, tug, and swallow their shedding hair.
Since their body has absolutely no use for this hair coming through, it will compile it over in a “not sure what to do with this stuff” compartment in their stomach.
The cat’s body will discard it but not process it through the normal waste system…meaning their poop.
Eventually, if the hairball get’s too large, it will obstruct normal digestion of nutrients and food. When this happens, the good ole throw up of their food can occur.
Hopefully, the hairball will eventually come on out too! It can’t stay there forever my friends.
What you can do to help:
2 - Eating too fast
Is your cat a little bit anxious?
Some kitties are, especially females. By nature, they are more defensive and watching for attacks due to their innate nature to protect their young.
Your female may have their mothering instinct about her even if she has never had a litter.
For cats that cannot seem to relax, it may show up a bit in their eating habits as well. If your cat gulps their food down, their stomach might just turn it right back around.
If you are noticing throw up immediately after their meal AND the food still looks whole, then it is likely your cat is gulping (and not chewing properly).
Their body just sends it back because it is having a hard time processing it.
What you can do to help:
3 - Emotionally upset or distraught
Cats can be very sensitive creatures.
Did they lose their BFF recently? Did you scold your cat? Have they been separated from a sibling or their mother?
If your kitty isn’t purring much, this is a huge sign that they could be emotionally distraught. Think about what recent changes may have occurred that could be upsetting your cat.
Also, if they hide a lot, they are distraught about something!
What you can do to help:
4 - Stressful/New Environment
Are you and your kitty in a brand new environment?
To a cat, it turns their whole world upside down. They hate change!!
Even if it’s a nice new home, your cat is going to need some time to adjust. They are creatures of habit and anything new is going to make them anxious and wonder what else is coming next.
What you can do to help:
5 - A little under the weather
Well, I guess cats can get sick too! Yes, your cat can catch a “bug” just as you can. They may just be feeling a bit under the weather and need a little pampering.
What you can do to help:
6 - Food intolerance
Your cat may have certain food allergies. If you suspect this the first thing to do is go basic.
Some foods, especially people food, can have additives that your cat’s system just cannot handle.
What you can do to help:
7 - Digestive disorders
Your cat may have something physically wrong with them and their digestive system.
Did the problem just start? Were they in any type of accident?
And I hate to even ask this but… Was the cat mistreated in any way?
What you can do to help:
8 - Curiosity and being too nosy!
Can I say my cat, CJ is a little bit crazy? She loves to eat plastic bags and dental floss.
Don’t ask - I haven’t a clue what attracts her to these objects.
But having said that, these types of things quickly make her so sick.
And of course, she throws it up all over the house!!
What you can do to help:
Remember, there could be many reasons why your cat is throwing up. Some include hairballs, anxiety, gulping food, a new environment, and just plain ole cat curiosity.
The most important thing you can do is observe your cat. This will help you troubleshoot if their throwing up is normal or not so normal.
Once you determine the reason for throwing up, you should try some of our suggestions above to see if it helps.
If it does, we are so happy for you and your cat!
If it doesn’t seem to help
You are seeing blood
Your cat seems very lethargic and cannot function normally,
THEN please go ahead and take your kitty to the vet.
They are trained to delve deeper into the problem so that your cat can begin feeling better!!
Did this post shed some light for you about your cat?
Tell us about it below, please!
For more cat health reads, head on over to 7 Reasons Your Cat Might Be Obsessed with Wonderful Water, 7 Reasons Why Your Kitty Pees in the Wrong Place, and How to Help Your Furious Feline Live Longer.
Thank you so much for all the information on Pet Hangout. This site is a gift of knowledge for education to care for our pets.
Hi Freda, Thanks so much - we try! Please tell me more about your site. :-)