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Hi, The Tale Wagger readers!
It is my great privilege today to introduce to you a new writer on our team.
His name is Sam and he is a 4 year old, overgrown, big baby, Tabby cat.
Yes, you heard that right. He’s a cat!
From time to time, Sam will be bringing you fun and insightful posts from his perspective….that is, one from a cat’s view of the world and all that goes along with it.
So, without further ado…I would like to introduce Sam to you.
Take it away Sammy boy!
Hi Gang,
As you’ve heard, my name is Sam.
To give you some back history, I used to roam the woods and streets of this really cool neighborhood.
One day, I happened upon a house that had some cat food in a bowl outside. I snuck up on the porch and gulped it down in a skinny minute and slithered away.
I was feeling pretty proud of myself - I was sure not even one person had a clue that I had struck! So…this house definitely stuck out in my kitty head as a place I should visit again. I started going there every evening around dusk. And sure enough, there was always more food in that little bowl - I’m sure it was just for me!
But one day, uh oh…i snuck up on the porch and got the biggest surprise of my life. There was a girl sitting in the rocker reading a magazine. I stopped dead in my tracks. She didn’t move. But she did look up at me and give a tender smile. This put me so at ease. I decided she just wanted to sit there and read so I kept walking until I reached the food.
After I ate, I slowly moved away from the porch. I did glance once again at her…she was still just sitting there.
So, this became a regular routine…but one day she said “hello” to me…and she even reached out her hand to me…
Well, I wasn’t so sure about that…I mean I wanted so badly to go say hello..but fear of being caught was even stronger…so I resisted and just left that day.
But the next time, I do have a confession. I slowly walked up to her and touched my nose to her fingers. Then, something beautiful happened. I felt comfortable enough to give her hand a headbutt. And she began to pet me a little bit.
I truly felt like I had a new friend that day. It warms my heart so very much. Now, I have no idea what she was thinking but I think it made her happy too because that was the first time I ever heard a sweet tone from her and she even smiled at me.
So, stay with me here because I promise I’m going somewhere with this story.
You see, when I was a baby, my mother was captured and taken away from me. This was the hardest thing I ever had to deal with. She always found my food and protected me. But when this happened, I saw very quickly that I was going to have to be a big boy now and do it myself. I learned to survive and thrive in the woods all by myself. From time to time, I would come up on other cats that were alone too. Sometimes, we would make friends and sometimes not so much. I must admit, I did get into a fight or two.
But for the most part, I always just wanted to be friends with them all. I’m a big kitty but with a bigger heart. I just want to be a lover, not a fighter…. prrrrrrrrrr
So, back to that lady on the porch. I became quite fond of her and she of me over the next few months. I started hanging out there some after I would eat and listen to her talk to me. Don’t ask me what she said exactly. I’m not real sure but she did say I was a “sweet boy” and “pretty boy” :-) She even started taking pics of me. I mean, I know I'm pretty handsome but I didn't realize how much so! I tried to paw at the camera too - ha!
I would play around on the porch some while she sat in her chair.
One day, let me tell you, I met another cat that lived INSIDE the house! Let's just say I don't think she was too thrilled to meet me though...I heard that her name is CJ. She seemed a little on edge to me... just sayin'...
…and you’re not even going to believe what I am about to tell you…
but first what the cat's meow is this??
anyway...it’s a story of how I ended up staying inside of her house for a whole week! And then eventually won the ultimate cat house lottery….
…stay tuned for my next post to hear what I did to get in trouble, why a neighbor wanted to have me shipped away, and what my new human, let’s call her ‘Donna’ did to save me from being a homeless kitty on the run.
Many thanks to you, Sammy, for the intro…we look forward to your next post with great catisipation!
Want to see Sam's full story? Read 3 Sad and Scary Things That Happened To Me, Why My Life Was Looking Grim Before a Miracle, and 4 Things I learned That Will Make Your Cat's Transition Easier for the complete story!
What do you think of our new writer?
Is he just adorable (and maybe a tad sleepy) or what?