“You can trust your dog to guard your house but never trust your dog to guard your sandwich.”
- Unknown ~
** WARNING ** Flea & Tick season is in full swing - Please remember to keep your pet current on their treatments!!
- ~ Pet Hangout ~

Home Or Travel

Pet carriers, strollers, seat covers, and all of your pet gear needs in one stop!

Whether you are home or out on the open road with your pet, it should be a pleasant experience for both of you.   PetHangout brings you home and pet travel items that will enhance life for you and your dog or cat.  We are proud of the quality and value we serve up every day.   Shop our wide selection now - be prepared to be "wowed"...

Don’t see what you are looking for?   Send PetHangout a quick message or call 877-860-1278.

Among our assortment:

  • Have you ever traveled in the car with an energetic pet?   If so, you know how challenging it can be to keep them in one spot.   Their constant excitement and moving around could be very dangerous to them and you!    Statistics tell us that unrestrained pets cause more than 30,000 accidents yearly.   To keep them and you  safe and calm,  place your pet in one of our dog car seats.   For larger dogs, you can use this auto harness for dogs to secure them to one area.  This ensures you and your pet get  to your destination happily and safely.
  • Air Travel – Now this takes some planning on your part!   One tip for reducing stress for your pet while flying is to acclimate them to their travel carrier weeks before the trip.    By doing this, your pet will feel much more secure.  The carrier will be their safe place when everything around them seems loud and unsettling.   Our pet carriers  are among the best  and many are flight approved.   To be sure you are in compliance,  please read up on all of the Travel Regulations for Pets.   If you are carrying your pet on the plane with you, this roller backpack is a perfect choice.   Please check with your airline for specific requirements.
  • To aid your pet getting in and out of high trucks/suvs/vans,  you can use one of our dog ramps  like this Tri-Fold Pet Ramp.    This is especially useful to senior and small dogs that would find it challenging to make the jump on their own.     When in the home with your pet, it may be necessary to have portable stairs that can be placed just about anywhere your dog needs help getting to higher ground.   This saves you from having to lift your dog  and gives your pet his or her independence, especially if you are sleeping or away.    This is a COOL PICK category for making your life as easy as it gets!
  • So we all know that our pets are “our children” and we love to treat them in such a way.    Wouldn’t  it be nice to take your doggie on a long jog or walk with you?    PetHangout knows your pet will love you bunches for doing so .   Our strollers  offer something for everyone.   If you like to jog or walk, your little pooch will be eager to go with you in this Pet Jogger.    Or maybe you’re a mom on the go and want a fashionable stroller for showing off your pretty lil’ doggie.    This stroller even has a weather proof top for keeping out the wind and rain!

One of PetHangout’s missions is to make your life easier by providing quality travel and home items to you and your pet.    We are honored that you are here to discover your perfect item.

Questions?   Want us to find a product for you?   Shoot us an email:  contactus@pethangout.com or call 877-860-1278.


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AT3 All Terrain Pet Stroller

  AT3 All Terrain Pet Stroller   PetHangout is rolling over everything about..


Auto Harness

  Auto Harness PetHangout is helping you keep your pooch safe while traveling with o..


Black Quilted Carry Bag

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Furniture Protector - Cocoa

Furniture Protector – Cocoa PetHangout is protecting your nice surroundings with our Furnitu..


Pet Tour Transport Crate

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Pet Travel Organizer

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Telescoping Dog Ramp

Telescoping Dog Ramp PetHangout is helping your doggie navigate high places with our Telesco..


XLarge Dog Booster Seat

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