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Puppy Troubles got you down today?
Raising a sweet little puppy can quickly turn to frustration, anger, and resentment if your puppy likes to “act out”.
But it's all gonna be okay - Pet Hangout is here to help you today.
But first one thing we need for you to commit to.
Patience my Friend. I want to give you hope that you and your puppy can overcome your puppy troubles but I’m not gonna lie… it must take some time and work.
Are you willing to stay strong? Staying strong means you commit now that you will not give up on your mission.
Every good puppy parent wants the perfect puppy we know. But let’s face it, puppies can develop all types of issues based on their breed type, environment, and personality.
I want to encourage you today that it can get better - whatever the issue may be!
The key for you here is going to be 2 things: patience and consistency.
If you can see beyond the problem and stay strong, it can get better!
So, now that you are in the right state of mind, let’s get started:
Here are some common puppy issues that you could be experiencing and some common-sense actions you can take to help turn things around:
1 - Chewing, chewing, chewing.
First, let’s explore why a puppy might want to chew.
1 - One reason could be that they are teething. Chewing naturally helps new teeth break through the gums. It also massages the gums, reduces inflammation, and overall makes the puppy feel better.
2 - Another reason could be that your puppy is bored out of his mind. Puppies are very active and curious. If boredom takes over, they may just start gnawing on any and everything in site.
3 - Copy Cating - if you have multiple puppies, they will begin to imitate what they see the other puppies doing. This could be good or bad, depending on what the stronger willed puppies are doing.
How to win:
1 - If and when you catch your puppy in the act of chewing on something they aren't supposed to be chewing on, calmly and quickly redirect them to a proper channel (like teething toys, intellectual toys, and chew toys).
So instead of screaming like a madwoman or man and spanking your pup, just simply pick up and redirect them.
2 - Buy them lots and lots and lots of gnawing and chewing toys! Spread them all around the areas where your pup will sleep and play. Make a "big deal" out of introducing a new toy to your pup. Make it happy with smiles, love pats, and giggles. Your puppy will remember and gravitate toward the happy memory and toy!
3 - Buy them teething rings and sticks. Some have gel in them that you can freeze. A cold teething ring will keep your puppy occupied for a long period of time.
You can also freeze a water bottle and let them lick and gnaw on it. (Just know that it will begin to thaw out and the potential is there for the puppy to bite a hole in the bottle and cause leakage.)
4 - Keep your valuables out of reach of your puppy so they don’t even have the chance to damage them.
This is being a smart doggie parent.
Manage their environment so that they can’t get into too much trouble. Use dog gates, dog pens, and removal of important items to stop the problem from ever happening in the first place.
If you think about it, this is exactly what parents have to do when they have a toddler in the home!
5 - Keep your puppy around positive role models. If your pup is around other dogs that act out, try to separate them.
Only keep your pup around well-behaved and well-trained dogs!
2 - Whining and crying.
Reasons for the whine:
1 - Well, your puppy is a type of baby.
2 - He or she will be scared and lonely at times.
3 - He or she will be hungry.
4 - He or she will want someone to hold him and love on him.
How to Win:
1 - Create a soothing and comforting environment. Provide a cozy place for sleep and rest. Give your pup a cuddle blanket and surround their bed with stuffed animals that are about his or her size.
You can also scare away the gremlins by providing a night light. Soothing music played very low will naturally calm them down too, especially when you are away.
2 - Establish a schedule for your pup. It should include times to rest, time to play, time to cuddle with you, and time to be trained. They will come to expect and wait in anticipation for this instead of crying all the time.
It will only take about a week to establish a schedule for them. The key is for you to be consistent and on time with the schedule.
3 - Don’t give in. If it’s time for your pup to have crate time, then make sure he has crate time for resting.
If you run to let him out of the create to stop his whining, he won and you so poorly lost!
If you know his other needs have been met (like pottying, eating, and cuddling), then put him on ignore mode and go about your business.
This is where your Will must be stronger than the pups. You have to make him give up first!
3 - Tinkling in the house.
Oh my, this is a biggie.
Who wants a puppy this isn’t housebroken????
No one. Guess what?
You can master this in no time if you can do your part really well.
How to Win:
1 - Keep your pup in his crate when you are either gone or CANNOT supervise your pup in the house.
NOTE: This DOES NOT mean you can leave your pup for long periods of time without pottying. ** As a general guideline, your puppy can hold their pee 1 hour for each month old they are. So when they are very young, you will need to find someone to let them out to potty while you are away for extended periods of time. If you don't have anyone in mind, then I recommend checking with Rover.com There are many trusted people on this site (who live close) that would be happy to help for a small fee.
2 - As soon as your pup is let out of the create, he or she must ALWAYS be taken out to potty. Not sometimes but ALWAYS - no exceptions here!!
Your pup quickly learns that pottying and the outside go together.
3 - Make sure your pup has an expandable create. In the beginning, you will want the space inside the crate to be smaller so that the pup won’t go to the other end of it to do his business.
Dogs are smart to the fact that they DO NOT want to sleep with their pee pee or poo. So they will naturally not “go” in their crate and will wait to be taken outside.
See why it is so very important that you take them outside to potty as soon as they come out of the crate??
4 - If /When the pup has an accident inside the house, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT YELL AND SCREAM at the pup.
Simply pick him up, take him over to the mess, gently push his nose toward the mess, and firmly say NO, NO. Then, carry him or her outside, and say, “Go Potty”.
5 - Every time they "go potty" outside, give them a small training treat and say “good boy” or “good girl”.
This type of positive reinforcement will have them housebroken in no time flat! I promise!!
6 - Be very consistent and intentional in taking them outside. For a 2-month-old pup, you should take him or her outside to potty right after eating/drinking or every 2 - 2.5 hours. You will be able to increase the time between potty breaks as your pup grows.
Your puppy is just a little furry cute baby and needs his parent to help him over these tough spots. Chewing, whining, and tinkling is 3 of the most common puppy woes for sure.
You and your pup can be more than winners over these issues if you can be patient and consistent in how you handle these problems. It will not only mold a better pet for you and your home, but mold a well-disciplined and well-trained dog too.
Good luck and remember to stay strong! I know you and your pup can win at this!!
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For more puppy tips, check out 8 Tips for Starting Puppy Out Right, Top 50 Kicking Boy Puppy Names You Need to Know, Top 50 Adorable Girl Puppy Names You Need to Know and How to Train Your Puppy Like a Dog Whisperer.