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A precious puppy!!!!
So, you finally did it! Got a sweet little boy puppy!
You will want to make sure to name him something that lines up with his personality and good looks. The only way to figure this out is to spend some quality time with your new pup in different settings.
Watch him sleep, play with him, take him for walks. Observe how he behaves.
Is he outgoing, bossy, shy, or a "scaredy-dog"? haha
Pet Hangout has put together the absolute best in puppy names for you to choose from.
Go ahead and read through our top 50 picks. Then, give it a week or so and see which names rise up to the top for your pup.
1 - Sundance
2 - Sporty
3 - Sammy
4 - Apollo
5 - Gus
6 - Alfredo
7 - Max
8 - Pluto
9 - Sargento
10 - Bonkers
11 - Diesel
12 - Hawk
13 - Skittle
14 - Coco
15 - Peter
16 - Samson
17 - Billy G
18 - Magnum
19 - Pepper
20 - Snoopy
21 - Augustus
22 - Andy
23 - Bear
24 - Sheldon
25 - Dr. Good
26 - Spirit
27 - Zander
28 - Bumble
29 - Lewey
30 - Simba
31 - Max
32 - Oreo
33 - Cooper
34 - Duke
35 - Lucky
36 - Colby
37 - Cheddar
38 - Eiffel
39 - Big Ben
40 - Skimpy
41 - Drake
42 - Expresso
43 - Mackey
44 - Harry
45 - Sticky
46 - Trooper
47 - Wags
48 - Timon
49 - Casper
50 - Basil
So, let's practice a little.
See what name you would give to the following puppies from our Top 50 above.
I'll give my take on them too!
What would you name this little guy?
I think Gus or Trooper would fit him great.
He looks like he would work through anything for you!
What about this sweet doggie?
I'm lovin' Espresso or Magnum for this tough doggie. I think he might just be boss of the house!
Can you say pie face?
I've got to go with Coco or Bear. Is he not absolutely adorable?
What a snuggle buddy!!
How about this little stinker?
He looks like a Wags or a Lewey to me! Especially with those big floppy ears!
How about this handsome boy?
He looks like he is ready to have lots of fun. I'm going with Sporty or Samson!
And did you get a load of his beautiful eyes?
How about this little one?
Because of a poodle's pedigree, I think Eiffel or Bumble is quite fitting!
And what would you think this little guy should be called?
I'm feeling Basil or Oreo!!! Just look at his beautiful colors!
And last but certainly not least on the "oh so cute" scale...
What about this sweet little one?
How about Spirit or Timon?
He just looks to me like he would be so playful and fun!
So, are you getting the gest of it?
Don't forget, just spend some quality time with your pup and look him over real good.
Between his looks, personality, and overall actions, you are sure to come up with the perfect name for your sweet boy puppy in no time at all!
And after you name him.... please come back and tell us which name you chose!
We would love for you to comment below and send us a pic too at contactus@pethangout.com.
Did you find a great name?
Tell us below!
Need a girl puppy name? Check out our Top 50 Adorable Girl Puppy Names You Need to Know! And for other awesome furry friend reads, please check out The Doberman Pincher Dog Breed - What You Need to Know and How To Help Your Dog Navigate Seasonal Allergies.