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Do you have a playful kitty?
What, maybe not so much anymore??
Even the sleepiest and oldest kitty still has play buried deep down inside of them. Let’s face it - the kitten never really grows up!
Wondering how to get in touch with your playful kitty again?
Try out some of these and see what happens…
1 - Plant catnip in pots throughout the home. Catnip drives kitties wild and makes them feel energetic and spunky. Just smelling catnip arouses their senses and gets them feeling alive again.
2 - Buy your cat a little girl’s ponytail holder. There are two great things about these.
Just sprinkle some around where your kitty usually hangs out. Place some in their bed. Seriously - this will work.
3 - Plastic bags anyone? What cat can resist a freshly dropped plastic bag on the floor? These are awesome for zooming into, attacking with fervor, and hiding away inside of.
Show me a pile of plastic bags and I’ll show you a crazed kitty that is happy as a lark playing around in the middle of them.
And what a great way to use those grocery bags!! Make sure you ask for plastic when checking out - kitties tend to love these a bit more because of the crinkling noise.
4 - Get your cat a video of birds! Play this and watch your kitty perk their ears up. Your cat will be trying to figure out how to get inside the TV for sure on this one. Check this one out. Would your cat just love?
5 - Peek a boo? Kitties love a challenge. Find a toy to intrigue your feline with. Try placing it on one side of the door and your cat on the other side. Slide it close to the bottom and watch those kitty paws slide underneath the door to attack. This is more than adorable and keeps your cat engaged until they figure out how to get the toy!
Watch CJ work hard over a silly piece of paper…
6 - Laser light - oh yes, this is genius. Watch kitty chase something that isn’t even there! This can entertain you and your cats for days. I love this 2 pack of laser pointers.
Note: Just make sure you never point directly into their eyes.
7 - A plastic milk bottle top or soda top. Talk about recycling with purpose. I know some cats that will tote these around like it is their latest prize. Some even hide them away much like a dog would hide a bone.
Tip: If tops don’t tantalize your cat, try a straw!
8 - Search through your yard for bird feathers. Bunch them together and secure at the base with heavy duty tape (or glue them together). What kitty wouldn’t love their very own REAL bird feathers to snuggle and bat around.
9 - Save a cardboard box. Cats love corrugated cardboard. They love to sleep on it, scratch it, and rub up against it. You might even want to turn a box upside down, cut out a kitty door, and decorate with your cat’s favorite colors and name.
Place a comfy bed inside for the coolest kitty hideaway ever.
10 - Buy your cat a fish tank. I'm serious! So, it doesn’t have to be huge but you do need to make sure the top is secure so your kitty can’t go fishing. Your cat will adore sitting and watching the fish all day long. And yes probably batting a time or two at the glass!!. This will bring back to life your cat’s senses too.
Remember, the "play" never really leaves your cat. They just get older and lazier by nature. Don't go boring with the same ole kitty toys, get creative.
There are some wonderful things just hanging around the house that will ignite and excite your furry feline. Try plastic grocery bags, ponytail holders, plastic bottle tops, straws, and yes even paper! And we know your cat would love to see some fish or birds every now and then too.
In no time at all, I am sure you can awake the fountain of youth for your lazy cat!
Did you find a new idea that your cat loves? Please share with me below ~ ~
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For more interesting kitty reads, check out Sensational Siamese Cats - 7 Exciting Facts That Will Surprise, How a Grateful Kitty Shows Their Thankful Heart, 12 Hidden Kitty Facts That Will Blow Your Mind, and Silly Cats Will Make You Laugh Your Head Off!